
2013.12.10早上,一台服务器虚拟机的网页上提示数据库报错(如果不是这个事11-12是去梅州旅游)。于是ssh进去,发现mysqld己经死掉,service mysqld restart无法重启mysql数据库服务,于是直接打包数据库,web应用目录,下载到本地。

重启虚拟机,无法进入系统提示“Ctrl+D”什么的,要求对磁盘进行修复,使用fsck -fy /,修复过程发现有大量的clear,心中想完了;修复完成后,进入系统发现网卡无法启动,mysqld也无法启动,发现数据大量丢失,原来根分区由占用83%变成只有30%,还有一个备份数据的分区也不见了(之前这台服务器不是我在管理,上周5就是2013.12.06下班前我才知道密码,可惜没上去看,不然还可以挽救,重启前好像己经没有看到这个分区)。后来查看/var/log/message.4,看到最早在11.10就用报磁盘故障,如kernel: sda1: rw=0, want=14014321424, limit=58701447,可能在更前就出现故障,因为message只保存最多5周的日志。再次尝试,发现又要求修复,这次修复后,发现使用密码登录这台服务器。使用单用户模式重置密码,重启还是无法登录。这台服务器的数据备份只有45天前的完整备份。在故障发生后,我们尝试了多种方法对磁盘进行修复无法成功,也尝试了多种方法对数据库进行恢复,如mysqlbinlog、mysqlcheck,但发现mysqlbin_log*也是有多个丢失,最近的mysql.bin.log也是坏的,无法使用mysqlbinlog来导出sql文件。





[root@test local]# 
Message from syslogd@ at Thu Dec 12 14:51:52 2013 ...
test kernel: journal commit I/O error
Last login: Thu Dec 12 14:49:05 2013 from
-bash: g: command not found
-bash: filex-lport: command not found
-bash: ncconfig: command not found
-bash: ncconfig: command not found
-bash: unify-adapter: command not found
-bash: unify-adapter: command not found
-bash: wilkenlistener: command not found
-bash: wilkenlistener: command not found
-bash: childkey-notif: command not found
-bash: childkey-notif: command not found
-bash: childkey-ctrl: command not found
-bash: childkey-ctrl: command not found
-bash: elad: command not found
-bash: elad: command not found
-bash: o2server-port: command not found
-bash: o2server-port: command not found
-bash: b-novative-ls: command not found
-bash: b-novative-ls: command not found
-bash: metaagent: command not found
-bash: metaagent: command not found
-bash: cymtec-port: command not found
-bash: cymtec-port: command not found
-bash: mc2studios: command not found
-bash: mc2studios: command not found
-bash: ssdp: command not found
-bash: ssdp: command not found
-bash: fjicl-tep-a: command not found
-bash: fjicl-tep-a: command not found
-bash: fjicl-tep-b: command not found
-bash: fjicl-tep-b: command not found
-bash: linkname: command not found
-bash: linkname: command not found
-bash: fjicl-tep-c: command not found
-bash: fjicl-tep-c: command not found
-bash: sugp: command not found
-bash: sugp: command not found
-bash: tpmd: command not found
-bash: tpmd: command not found
-bash: intrastar: command not found
-bash: intrastar: command not found
-bash: dawn: command not found
-bash: dawn: command not found
-bash: global-wlink: command not found
-bash: global-wlink: command not found
-bash: ultrabac: command not found
-bash: ultrabac: command not found
-bash: rhp-iibp: command not found
-bash: rhp-iibp: command not found
-bash: armadp: command not found
-bash: armadp: command not found
-bash: elm-momentum: command not found
-bash: elm-momentum: command not found
-bash: facelink: command not found
-bash: facelink: command not found
-bash: persona: command not found
-bash: persona: command not found
-bash: noagent: command not found
-bash: noagent: command not found
-bash: can-nds: command not found
-bash: can-nds: command not found
-bash: can-dch: command not found
-bash: can-dch: command not found
-bash: can-ferret: command not found
-bash: can-ferret: command not found
-bash: noadmin: command not found
-bash: noadmin: command not found
-bash: tapestry: command not found
-bash: tapestry: command not found
-bash: spice: command not found
-bash: spice: command not found
-bash: xiip: command not found
-bash: xiip: command not found
-bash: discovery-port: command not found
-bash: discovery-port: command not found
-bash: egs: command not found
-bash: egs: command not found
-bash: videte-cipc: command not found
-bash: videte-cipc: command not found
-bash: ia32e-redhat-linux: command not found
-bash: dm: command not found
-bash: uis: command not found
-bash: uis: command not found
-bash: synotics-relay: command not found
-bash: synotics-relay: command not found



Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: sda1: rw=0, want=14014321424, limit=58701447
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: sda1: rw=0, want=6633534320, limit=58701447
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: sda1: rw=0, want=6999859520, limit=58701447
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: sda1: rw=0, want=5257640256, limit=58701447
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: sda1: rw=0, want=5945582256, limit=58701447
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: sda1: rw=0, want=10245271912, limit=58701447
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: sda1: rw=0, want=10240567928, limit=58701447
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: sda1: rw=0, want=5945582256, limit=58701447
Dec 12 14:49:01 test kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec  8 04:02:02 test syslogd 1.4.1: restart.







mysqldump --single-transaction -uroot -p livingwork > 2013whg_oa_mysql_livingwork.sql


lower_case_table_names = 0


mysql> update n_user set PASSWORD='iu+wbEJuB6CmcaHiSItIWNaUpzA=' where user_name='admin'; //重置admin的密码为000。




